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Cautions on Covid-19 Research


So some interesting research issues surfacing in the last week or so that I think may be quite relevant as this pandemic moves forward and we prepare for a second wave. The first is a fascinating study in Nature Medicine that looked at the level of antibody response in patients with asymptomatic and symptomatic response. They found that 40% of those without symptoms actually had no detectable antibodies 2 -3 months after the infection versus 13% of those who had symptoms. [1]What does that mean? Hard to say for certain, but it does point to a concerning possibility that you could get the virus more than once and that you don’t get lasting immunity from having the infection. Obviously that also means that vaccination may be a bit more difficult and not long lasting, though there are a number of novel vaccine trials that are in the testing stage…I’ll write more on those later.

On the good side of things, some positive results regarding treatment, although again caution is urged as overly enthusiastic endorsements of treatment inevitably isn’t as clear cut as it first seems. In this case, the media have toted a significant reduction in Covid19 deaths with treatment using dexamethasone, a potent steroid long in use for shrinking tumours and many other applications. The paper hasn’t yet been peer-reviewed and published but does appear to show some reduction in overall mortality in the sickest patients, if they’ve had symptoms for longer than 7 days. [2] Obviously criticism and caution are important when something hasn’t been independently reviewed or published[3] and it certainly isn’t an absolute game-changer but it is nice that something may make a bit of difference ‘cause right now little is…remember wear a mask and face shield and wash and sanitize your hands often. A strong offense is your best defense!

Stay well!

[1] [2] [3] Theoharides TC, Conti P. Dexamethasone for COVID-19? Not so fast [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 4]. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2020;34(3):10.23812/20-EDITORIAL_1-5. doi:10.23812/20-EDITORIAL_1-5

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